DC in an RV & Pittsburgh, too!

Last Christmas, my daughter, Talia, gave us tickets for a riverboat cruise in Washington, D.C. I really liked this gift because it meant she wanted us to visit her. When we started thinking and planning this trip, we realized we could visit her in D.C. and also watch our St. Louis Cardinals play in Pittsburgh. Thus a trip was born and an itinerary set. D.C. first and then Pittsburgh which turned out to be a really good way to do it. During this trip, we stayed at 4 different types of campgrounds. Come along, and read about what we did and my thoughts about each type of campground. Ohio State Fair Campground Columbus, Ohio Our first campground was the Ohio State Fair Campgrounds in Columbus. This was a full hook up site but a no frills stop. There are hundreds of sites so no reservations are needed, unless it is during the state fair. Turns out, we were the only campers in our field. There were 2 other campgrou...