Back from Wakonda!

We have now graduated to a 2 night event, spending Saturday (10/20) and Sunday (10/21) at Wakonda State Park.  We had a beautiful lakeside campsite on Boulder Lake; however,  the water was much higher than normal.  The water's edge was maybe 7 feet from our camper door.  Good thing rain was not in the forecast!

On the way to the park, we realized Dan thought I packed his milk, and I thought he did.  So, we stopped at a gas station and bought a half-gallon for $3.  We also forgot salad dressing; who wants to eat dry salad?  However, our wonderful campground hosts had naively told us, "Let us know if you need anything."  So, we did.   Thanks to Sherry and her husband,  we enjoyed our salads with Ranch and Italian dressing.

Many campers had decorated their sites for Halloween, and some of the kids dressed up for trick or treating.  Lots of campfires going on Saturday night, but it was far too cold for us to walk around and enjoy the fall ambiance.

On Sunday, appropriately, we took a nice sunny hike.  That night, I peeked my head out the door for a quick glimpse of the Orionid meteor showers, but I only saw a few stars.  It was another night of piercing cold.    Had it not been so unfriendly, I would have gone out later to see the heavenly spectacle.  Instead, we spent the evening with Dan watching a football game, and me enjoying my Fannie Flagg book, "Standing in the Rainbow."

This trip was more valuable learning experience for us.  We did hitch up for the first time on the way, and we visited the local dumping station upon our departure.   For all the times I said and thought, "I don't want to deal with that", it really was not bad at all.  We do have a self-imposed restriction of not putting solids in the black water tank, if you know what I mean.

We enjoyed our fall time at Wakonda.  We had visited the park a couple of years ago to kayak and to swim.  Our early morning kayaking was all that a morning should be.  The swim at the walk in beach was refreshing on that hot summer afternoon.  And while there aren't bike trails, there are enough roads where you could ride a bike and get some miles in.  Perhaps we will camp there again when we can kayak, swim, or bike ride.

The trip home was seemed to go much faster and require less gas than our way there, when we battled strong winds.  Unhitching in the storage yard went more smoothly this time, too.   I really don't want to wait until Spring to continue our adventures in our Micro lite, but I may have to.   However, when I came home, I made reservations for a 5 night trip in April.  Where will we go?  What will we do? You'll just have to follow the blog to find out.


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